Self-management is about the methods, skills, and strategies we use to effectively and meaningfully manage our own activities and lives towards achieving personal goals. Each person is unique and will therefore have their own individual goals and objectives, and ultimately their own ways of achieving them. Many people find that education is a vital element to their recovery, learning more about themselves, their diagnosis, their medication, their goals, their identity; this in turn helps people to feel better informed and empowered.
Consider the CHIME factors – Connectedness, Hope, Identity, Meaning, and Empowerment – when looking at self-management. Think about where or what you feel connected to, what or who gives you hope, your identity beyond a diagnosis, what gives you meaning and purpose each day, and how you can empower yourself. Self-management is empowering yourself with a greater understanding of ‘you’, of mental health, wellbeing, medication, diagnosis and generally being better informed. Taking a more active role in managing your own wellbeing involves developing coping strategies, such as keeping mood diaries, developing wellness plans, learning more about your diagnosis, and discovering your goals and hopes.
It is much easier to remain well and prevent a crisis through self-management, rather than trying to respond to a crisis that is already developing.
Giving yourself a focus and a reason to get up each day will help, whether this is volunteering, sport and exercise, joining a club, going for a walk, meeting a friend or family member, going to work, and so on.