What is PTSD?
PTSD can occur following the experience of an extremely traumatic or upsetting event. This could be the death of someone close, a serious accident or witnessing something terrible happening to someone else.
How might I feel?
PTSD different people in different ways. Feelings can include:
- Worry
- Low mood
- Guilt
- Anger
- Frustration
- Anxiety
- Tension
All these feelings can create sensations in the body such as:
- Fast heartrate
- Tense muscles
- ‘Knotted’ feeling in the stomach
- Tiredness and lack of motivation
- Jumpiness and being easily startled
These feelings might also change how a person behaves, such as:
- Drinking more alcohol
- Smoking more than usual
- Having difficulty sleeping
- Not wanting to go out or avoiding certain places
- Constantly checking that other people are safe
All of these can be associated with a difficult time in life and usually pass, but in PTSD they can persist for some time.
What helps?
There are many things that can help PTSD, such as:
- Talking therapies
- EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing)
- Mindfulness
- Self-help – relaxation, exercise, healthy lifestyle
- Support groups
For more information visit the PTSD UK website.