Making the Most of Positive Experiences
Sometimes when we’re not having a particularly good day it can be difficult to think of things to do to stay busy and try to make the day better. It can be helpful then to consider beforehand what things may be able to help at times like that.
Often when we think of positive experiences it is the big occasions that come to mind e.g. going to a friend’s wedding or getting a new car. However, it can be just as beneficial to think about the smaller things, i.e. the day-to- day pleasures in life. It might be eating your favourite meal, watching your favourite film, seeing friends, playing a video game you enjoy, going for a walk etc.

Have a go at the activity below in the Word document below. It is a simple mind map to come up with as many things as possible that you could do, big or small, to make your day that bit better. Alternatively, do a similar exercise in a way that best suits you.
Positive Experiences Mindmap Worksheet (21.68kB)
You might want to make notes at this point. These may help you remember things, work out what you want or see how much you’ve changed if you read them again in a few years’ time.