If you require mental health crisis support, please contact your local mental health services, your GP, or telephone 111 or the emergency services.


Aims Recap

We hope you have:

  1. Reflected on your personal experience of positive emotions and any hopes and fears the topic brings about.
  2. Learnt about the Broaden and Build theory of positive emotions and the positive impact of negative emotions.
  3. Learnt about savouring and dampening strategies as well as how these impact on our perception of positive experiences.
  4. Identified some ideas for how to bring about positive experiences for yourself.

Consider More:

1) What are the main things that you will take away from this part of the course?
2) How will exploring positive experiences and how to capitalise on them, help your recovery?


You might want to make notes at this point. These may help you remember things, work out what you want or see how much you’ve changed if you read them again in a few years’ time.