What to do with your strengths
Research has not yet explored the exact mechanisms related to the use of strengths. However, there are a variety of approaches which have been used, all of which share the
common feature which is to plan or envision the future use of the strengths (Quinlan et al, 2012).
Using our top signature strengths has been linked to greater levels of wellbeing and influences progress towards our goals (Seligman, 2005). Activity planning or thinking
about how a strength may be used requires purposeful thought and action, which may result in implicit or explicit goal setting. The important part is not just knowing what our strengths are but actively using them.
Now that you have an idea what your character strengths are the following workbook will enable you to start to put your strengths into practice.
You might want to make notes at this point. These may help you remember things, work out what you want or see how much you’ve changed if you read them in a few years’ time.