To improve overall wellbeing through developing an understanding of positive psychology and by practicing some individual exercises.
Aims of the Course
We hope by the end of this course you will have:
- Gained knowledge and understanding of positive psychology.
- Increased your self-awareness of the way in which you relate to yourself and others.
- Learnt skills and exercises to enhance positive experiences, interactions and events.
- Found out your personal strengths and explored how to put them into practice.
- Considered personally identified roadblocks towards greater wellbeing and how to overcome these.
Discover More
A quick exercise to start, if you want to, is the ‘Good Things in Life’ activity. All too often we find ourselves focusing on the negative things that have happened to us on a day to day basis e.g. the bus was late, the queue was long etc. Instead it can be beneficial to concentrate on the things that have gone well e.g. a favourite song on the radio, catching up with a friend, enjoying a meal, watching something you enjoy, learning something new, achieving a goal or good weather.
If you fancy it write down 3 good things that have happened today that you may have overlooked. If you’re struggling to think of things that have gone well today, think about things from the past week or think about things that you’re grateful for. You may also like to read or print off the pdf below to help you to do this. It repeats the same information with spaces to give your answers for the next few weeks.
Good things in life (133.73kB)
Consider More:
- Which parts of this course are you most interested in learning about?
- How did you feel after having a go at the ‘Good Things in Life’ activity?
You might want to make notes at this point. These may help you remember things, work out what you want or see how much you’ve changed if you read them in a few years’ time.