A Safe Place
A service user gives great insight & easy to follow steps for having an imaginary safe place to go to for service users, which can also give insight to carers & professionals into one way to help a person to cope.
Confidence To Go Out
Four service users share their personal stories of how getting out and about is both a help, but equally is a massive challenge to initially overcome and cope with. This video is useful to service users, carers and professionals.
Daily Diary
Two service users identify how using a diary can help manage symptoms and emotions. For service users, carers and professionals.
Three service users explain how, if you have the ability to concentrate, a variety of distractions can help you to cope better with symptoms. For service users, carers and professionals.
A service user gives their personal experience of how exercise has helped them focus, as well as bring benefits in other ways too. For service users, carers and professionals.
Mindfulness & Meditation
Several service users discuss the benefits of using mindfulness and meditation to calm them, and help them cope with symptoms. For service users, carers and professionals.
Professional Support
Several service users discuss the importance of professional support in aiding and improving their condition. The issue of trust and how important it is to have for service users offers great insight. For service users, carers and professionals.
A service users offers up their own coping strategy, which they first developed for their own use and now wants to share with anyone and everyone. Simple to both follow and understand. For service users, carers and professionals.
Social Groups
Several service users share personal experiences on the importance of social interaction, with examples of what they have done to help cope with their symptoms. For service users, carers and professionals.
Spoon Theory
A service user demonstrates a very good explanation of the ‘Spoon Theory’. This is a technique to use for managing symptoms such as fatigue. For service users, carers and professionals.
Stopping Cannabis
A service user shares a very frank, open and insightful look at how cannabis was more of a detriment than a benefit in aiding their personal recovery. For service users, carers and professionals.
Final Messages To Others
Several service users offer a lot encouragement and support to others as well as how to access the help they need, as it is out there for them. For service users, carers and professionals.