Some people may become so overwhelmed by their thoughts and feelings they want to end their own life. They might be experiencing unbearable physical or psychological pain, may feel desperate and feel like it would be better for everyone else if they were dead.
Suicidal feelings can be very difficult to cope with, and even harder to talk about. There is still a lot of stigma around talking about suicide. But, for the majority of people who experience suicidal feelings, with the right support, things can get better.
TheCalmZone offers advice and support for men.
People in the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and questioning) community are also more at risk of suicide. Visit Switchboard for more information and guidance.
Also take a look at The Samaritans website – they provide a listening service for anyone experiencing suicidal feelings.
Papyrus campaign for reducing suicide in young people. They also have a helpline – 0800 068 41 41.