If you require mental health crisis support, please contact your local mental health services, your GP, or telephone 111 or the emergency services.


Finishing the course

'If you run, you are a runner.  It doesn't matter how fast or how far.'

John Bingham

You have now completed this course.

We hope you now have:

  • An understanding of how running is beneficial to health and wellbeing.
  • Considered in more depth how running can help improve and support your mental health.
  • Thought about the barriers and beliefs that we hold that might make starting running more difficult.
  • Explored how you can get started with running and to gain an awareness of when it might not be good for you.

Consider more:

  1. What is the main thing you are taking away from this course?
  2. What would you like to learn about next?

Now that you have completed this course, it may help to reflect on what you have learnt. It is possible at any point to come back to particular pages within this course in the future. 


Now that you have finished this course your certificate has been awarded. You can access it by going to your account.