If you require mental health crisis support, please contact your local mental health services, your GP, or telephone 111 or the emergency services.


What is wellbeing?

The state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.

Oxford dictionary definition of wellbeing.

Have a think about the following questions:

  • Is it about having good relationships?
  • Is it about doing exercise?
  • Is it about eating healthy food?

It’s a mixture of things.

The CHIME factors

These are the five things that all people need in their lives. We call them CHIME factors:

four hand bump.


A sense of belonging and feeling close to other people, places, pets or nature as well as a lot of other things. Doing something you love like a hobby might also give you this sense of being connected to the world.

The word impossible with the IM crossed out.


You think that the future will be OK. As good as now or better. But even if it isn’t, you can cope.

a person with a question mark for a face.


Who are you really? You’re more than the things you can’t do or your problems. You are your relationships, as a friend or a brother for example. You’re what you like doing, be it running or singing.

an ape thinking.


What do you want to do with your life? If this is hard to answer, what do you want to do today? Put another way what you want to get out of today?

Another way of looking at it is what do you enjoy doing most? Who do you enjoy doing it with?

A 'Yes you can do it!' road sign.


You can’t do everything, but you can still get what you need. You probably can’t play for England. But you can still enjoy playing for a local team. As you grow up work out what you need and see if you can get it. Some of the time you will and sometimes you won’t. Just keep thinking and trying.


Below is a video about the CHIME factors.

First, let’s look at connectedness.