Who am I?
There are lots of things that can give us hope, but these are different for everyone. So, we’re now going to think about how we’re all different and our identity.

What makes up someone’s identity?
Identity is what makes us ‘us’. It’s all the bits of who we are as a person that means there’s no one else quite like us.
There are all kind of things that make up someone’s identity. We list some of them below.
How outgoing someone is: Some people love parties and being at the centre of things. Others are quiet and like reading. In either case this makes up part of their identity.
Family: Being a brother, sister, son, daughter, father, or mother makes up part of a person’s identity.
Footballer: Someone who is good at football might describe themselves as a footballer. This makes up part of their identity.
Gender: Someone’s sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or anywhere in between. This too makes up part of their identity.
Academic: Some people enjoy school. This makes up part of their identity.
Background: Where someone’s family comes from makes up their identity.
Age: How old someone is makes up part of their identity.
Religion: A persons’ faith or religious beliefs are part of their identity.
Musician: Someone who can play an instrument might describe themselves as a musician. This makes up part of their identity.
No-one can be identified by just one thing. For example being good at sport can be important for a person but it is not the only thing that makes up their identity. Someone else might be really tall, but there’s still lots of other parts of their identity. In the below TEDx video Marcus discusses what drives our identity and how people see themselves.
When we’re growing up it can be hard to know who we are. Things change all the time and our identity changes with them. This is totally normal, and it’s very common to feel like we don’t have a clue who we are.